Imaging Boards and Software
Checkpoint checks in to PCs
Checkpoint checks in to PCs
A PC plug-in version of the Cognex Checkpoint machine-vision system, the Model 600/PC, features its own frame grabber, on-board CPU, custom vision ASICs, and local memory with a Windows-based development interface. The system is available in two configurations: as a factory-floor deployment system consisting of a single-slot vision processor, single-slot video mixer/display controller, and software or as a development-level system with all software and hardware installed on a PC. Prices range from $10,000 to $15,000, and the 600/PC is supplied with a suite of gray-scale vision-inspection tools designed to process complex images as fast as 600 ppm.
Cognex, One Vision Drive, Natick, MA 01760; (508) 650-3000.