Computer-vision software

Dec. 1, 1997
Based at the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Centre (FMRIBC) at Oxford University (Oxford, England), the home page of Dr. Stephen M. Smith (E-mail: [email protected]) contains several links to computer-vision software. They include Susan, a low-level image-processing package; Asset-2, an independent motion segmentation and tracking package; and Altruism, a 3-D reconstruction and interpretation software package.

Computer-vision software

Based at the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Centre (FMRIBC) at Oxford University (Oxford, England), the home page of Dr. Stephen M. Smith (E-mail: [email protected]) contains several links to computer-vision software. They include Susan, a low-level image-processing package; Asset-2, an independent motion segmentation and tracking package; and Altruism, a 3-D reconstruction and interpretation software package.

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