Imaging Boards and Software
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Due to the increasing demands of medical-imaging, scientific, and remote-sensing applications, optical-storage systems are striving to rival their hard-disk-drive counterparts in terms of storage capacity, rewriteability, and speed. To minimize cost, optical-memory media and drive manufacturers are incorporating multiple layers and surface-array recording techniques into a number of optical formats, including CD, magneto-optical, and DVD.Companies and trendswww.disktrend.comAlthough it has phased out its series of market-research programs, the Disk/Trend (Mountain View, CA) Web site contains useful information on CD-ROM, DVD, and optical cards. In addition, you'll find links to storage-industry Web pages, including trade, professional, educational, government, and market-research organizations, and listings of rigid, flexible, and optical-disk-drive manufacturers.Digital versatile diskswww.dvdforum.orgSupporting the DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD-RAM formats, the DVD Forum (Tokyo, Japan) is an association of hardware manufacturers, software firms, and developers of digital versatile disks. Created for exchanging and disseminating ideas and information about DVD formats and their technical capabilities, this site features news, technology, promotional events, FAQs, and an events calendar.