Display controller directs two monitors

Dec. 1, 1998
The Dome Md/PCX imaging board is a 5-Mpixel display controller for PCI-based computers and workstations that supports two 500-MHz monitors from a single card and PCI slot. It targets gray-scale diagnostic imaging applications, such as medical teleradiology and PACS systems, as it can handle both landscape (2560 ¥ 2048-pixel) and portrait (2048 ¥ 2560-pixel) modes. An on-board 16-Mbyte WRAM, 10-bit DACs, 128-bit GUI accelerator, and a luminance calibration port enable monitor calibration

Display controller directs two monitors

The Dome Md/PCX imaging board is a 5-Mpixel display controller for PCI-based computers and workstations that supports two 500-MHz monitors from a single card and PCI slot. It targets gray-scale diagnostic imaging applications, such as medical teleradiology and PACS systems, as it can handle both landscape (2560 ¥ 2048-pixel) and portrait (2048 ¥ 2560-pixel) modes. An on-board 16-Mbyte WRAM, 10-bit DACs, 128-bit GUI accelerator, and a luminance calibration port enable monitor calibration and matching, gamma correction and display linearization, and gray-scale imaging fidelity. Software support includes DOS, Windows 95/NT, Macintosh OS, and the Dome image-processing library and ActiveX interface.

Dome Imaging Systems, 400 Fifth Ave., Waltham, MA 02451; (781) 895-1155; Fax: (781) 895-1133.

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