Imaging Boards and Software
Inspection system checks CD labels Based on a real-time Unix computer and a pipelined image
Inspection system checks CD labels Based on a real-time Unix computer and a pipelined image processor, the SCDLIS-100 CD print-quality inspection system can check 100 CDs per minute. It can detect defects as small as 0.25 x ( 0.25 mm, such as pinholes, blotches, streaks, and color differences, as well as smudges and missing information, with special image-processing software. A graphical user interface configures various inspection settings including light intensities, defect sensitivities, defect sizes, and mask definitions for different CDs. Sony Electronics Inc., Factory Automated Division, 560 Route 303, Orangeburg, NY 10962; (914) 365-6000; Fax: (914) 365-608.