Imagis receives order from Mexican Police

April 10, 2002
APRIL 10--Imagis Technologies Inc. (Vancouver, Canada; has received an order from T.C. Vilsa SA (Mexico City, Mexico) for the company's Computerized Arrest & Booking system, ID-2000 facial recognition, and evidence-tracking module.

APRIL 10--Imagis Technologies Inc. (Vancouver, Canada;, developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software, has received an order from T.C. Vilsa SA (Mexico City, Mexico)--Imagis Latin American business partner--for the company's Computerized Arrest & Booking system (CABS), ID-2000 facial recognition, and its evidence-tracking module to classify and locate incident-related evidence.

CABS and ID-2000 facial recognition will be installed at a police facility located in one of the largest states in Mexico. Installation is expected to be complete by June and, once implemented, will provide for quick and easy sharing of offender and incident-based images and the potential for a central database available to all police and law-enforcement agencies.

T.C. VILSA is a private company with a strong presence in the Mexican banking and government sectors and has been a leading supplier of identification technology and services throughout Latin America for more than 17 years.

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