IO Industries has announced the release of the DVR Express Core 2 MAX digital video recorder, which targets demanding multi-camera imaging applications. The DVR Express Core 2 MAX is an uncompressed solid-state video recorder with integrated synchronization, timing and video monitoring features. The DVR can record from up to four channels of high-speed digital video, storing it immediately to solid-state storage, with a software interface that combines operational controls, system status, and real-time video display. IO Industries’ new DVR is available in Camera Link, CoaXPress, or 3G/HD/SD-SDI models, all of which feature rates up to 2240MB/s and storage capacities of up to 22.5TB.
To Learn More:
Contact:IO Industries
Headquarters: London, ON, Canada
Product: DVR Express Core 2 MAX digital video recorder
Models: Available in Camera Link, CoaXPress, 3G/HD/SD-SDI models; four video inputs per DVR allows recording multi-link cameras or up to four separate cameras; uncompressed recording to solid state storage at up to 2240 MB/s.
What IO Industries says:
View more information on the DVR Express Core 2 MAX.
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