Cognex unveils new ease-of-use software for In-Sight vision sensors
NOVEMBER 18--Cognex Corporation (Natick, MA;, a supplier of machine vision systems and sensors, has unveiled In-Sight Explorer for its family of In-Sight vision sensors. Explorer combines easy development of vision applications with efficient administration of a vision sensor network, making the vision sensors easier to use than ever before. By addressing all aspects of vision-sensor implementation in a single, easy-to-use package, Explorer reduces the cost of ownership and speeds the deployment of vision applications onto the factory floor.
"In-Sight users have always had the advantage of developing their vision applications within a familiar spreadsheet environment," said Justin Testa, senior vice president of marketing for Cognex. "In-Sight Explorer makes application development even easier and adds tools to handle integration, monitoring, and management of the vision sensors on the line. Simplifying development of vision applications and management of vision sensor networks will be of tremendous benefit to our In-Sight customers, whether they use one In-Sight sensor or 100."
The new In-Sight Explorer software includes a suite of development, management, and monitoring tools to make the entire vision application development cycle easy. In addition, In-Sight Explorer sports a user-friendly interface that achieves its ease-of-use by incorporating the familiar look and feel of standard Windows-based applications. It offers a graphical environment designed for user input found commonly in industrial environments, including mouse, and keyboard.