SQB releases QI Flash Control I for industrial image processing applications

Sept. 27, 2013
The QI Flash Control I from SQB features two independent trigger inputs and corresponding output channels which provide up to 9A per channel with a pulse rate down to 10 µs, a time resolution of 10 µs, and current resolution of flash pulses of 10 mA.

The QI Flash Control I from SQB features two independent trigger inputs and corresponding output channels which provide up to 9A per channel with a pulse rate down to 10 µs, a time resolution of 10 µs, and current resolution of flash pulses of 10 mA. The control provides protection against fluctuating ambient light and produces optimum results for the illumination of fast moving industrial processes during image acquisition. QI Flash Control I features a USB 2.0 interface, mounting set for rail installation, a heat sink for high operating demands, and a self-trigger function. In addition, the QI Flash Control I features software programmability.

To Learn More:

Contact:Steinbeis Qualitätssicherung und Bildverarbeitung GmbH (SQB)
: Ilmenau, Germany
Product: QI Flash Control I from SQB
Key Features: Two independent trigger inputs, pulse rate down to 10 µs, a time resolution of 10 µs, current resolution of flash pulses of 10 m, USB 2.0 interface, software programmability.

What SQB says:
View more information on the QI Flash Control I from SQB.

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James Carroll

Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013.  Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.

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