Graphics processors speed image processing

Jan. 28, 2008
3-D modalities such as CT and MRI are creating ever larger volumes of data, increasing the need for faster and bigger servers, higher network bandwidth, workstations with large memory and fast graphics, and advanced diagnostic software.

3-D modalities such as CT and MRI are creating ever larger volumes of data, increasing the need for faster and bigger servers, higher network bandwidth, workstations with large memory and fast graphics, and advanced diagnostic software. Building blocks such as GPUs, FPGAs, and the Cell processor can deliver the appropriate image quality with varying degrees of effort.

Depending on the evaluation criteria, the optimal choice between FPGAs, GPUs, multicore based PCs, and the Cell processor may differ. However, the Cell processor offers a fully programmable architecture, accessible from high-level programming languages such as C. Its application in the gaming industry suggests long-term availability of the parts for realistic field deployment. For more information, go to:

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