i2S announces financial results

Feb. 15, 2008
FEBRUARY 15, 2008--i2S (Paris, France) had strong growth this past year, with sales advancing by 20.8% to €14.8 m.

FEBRUARY 15, 2008--i2S (Paris, France; www.i2s.fr ), an international group with recognized leadership in digital vision, optronics, and high value-added image processing, had strong growth this past year, with sales advancing by 20.8% to €14.8 m. The ever greater focus on large international accounts has lifted the share of sales generated outside France from 35% to 62% over three years, for a full-year total of €6.6 m in 2007. The increase was 39.7% in 2007.

i2S signed a number of new contracts in the fourth quarter of 2007, while continuing to invest to prepare for the projects that will be operational in 2008. The LineScan division, specializing in quality control and production optimization systems for flat materials with high value added, saw a particularly buoyant year end. Sales advanced by 30.4% (100% in the dollar zone) and accounted for 12.3% of the group total. Pursuing its strategy of winning market share worldwide, i2S LineScan is chiefly targeting large accounts in the USA and the coated glass market

Outside France, i2S LineScan's US subsidiary i2S Inc. recorded a sharp 173% increase in sales compared with 2006: with orders totaling $1.698 m, 2007 was a very promising year for the company. The subsidiary is already independent in terms of techniques and marketing, but additional resources will be transferred to enable it to acquire the industrial autonomy it needs for its future development.

i2S is on track to record double-digit organic growth again in 2008. In keeping with the strategy announced by i2S at the time of the IPO, the group will continue to actively seek out acquisition opportunities this year.

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