GenICam Standard Group releases 2.4 GenICam standard
The GenICam Standard Group has released verion 2.4 of itsGenICam Standard, which includes the updating of four modules and the addition of two new modules in the software.
The EMVA-hosted software standard now includes the following modules:
- GenApi 2.4
- SFNC 2.1
- GenTL 1.4
- GenTL SFNC 1.0 (new)
- GenCP 1.0 (new)
- CLProtocol 1.1
GenApi 2.4, the core module of the standard, provides the widely-used reference implementation for the generic programming interface to access all camera features. The new interface type IntegerSet, support of Visual Studio 2012, and an updated log4cpp library were all included the release of this version. In addition, GenApi 2.4 includes chunk and event adapters for USB3 Vision.
Also included in the 2.4 release is the extension of the GenICam "Standard Features Naming Convention"(SFNC), which defines the standardized set of device features including their name, values, and behavior. With the new releases, SNFC 2.4 new feature definitions for "Features Changes Sequencer Control," and "Software Signal Control," were added. An update was also made to transport layer-specific feature definitions forGigE Vision and CoaxPress.
In the driver-related module GenTL 1.4, which defines the software interface for arbitrary transport layers, new features were added, including new payload types, info commands, and error codes. In addition, GenTL 1.4 provides the standard event type “Module Event,” and references to the standardized pixel format naming convention and the newly-added GenTL SFNC, which defines the standardized set of features of the underlying transport layer.
The next meeting of the GenICam Standard Group will take place at end of March in San Jose, California, USA.
View more information on theGenICam Standard group
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.