Cognex and Fuji resolve vision software patent dispute

March 22, 2010
Cognex announced that it has reached a settlement with Fuji Machine Manufacturing concerning the importation and sale of equipment using machine vision software. Terms of the resolution were not made public.
Cognex (Natick, MA, USA) announced that it has reached a settlement with Fuji Machine Manufacturing and its US subsidiary Fuji America (Vernon Hills, IL, USA) concerning the importation and sale of equipment using machine vision software from MVTec Software (Munich, Germany). Terms of the resolution between the parties were not made public. Cognex's dispute with other machine vision companies continues in the United States International Trade Commission and in the District Court of Massachusetts. "Cognex is pleased that we could reach a mutually acceptable resolution to the ongoing ITC and District Court matters," said Todd Keebaugh, Cognex vice president of legal affairs. "We value our relationship with Fuji and look forward to the opportunity of working with them to strengthen our business partnership going forward." Posted by Vision Systems Design

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