The distribution of MVTec Software (Munich, Germany) products in Israel is being handled by OpteamX (Azor near Tel Aviv). In addition to the distribution of HALCON and ActivVisionTools, OpteamX will also provide high-level technical support for MVTec's software products.
OpteamX, one of the leading distributor companies in Israel for imaging components, decided to complete its product portfolio with MVTec software to meet the requirements of a growing market for sophisticated machine vision standard software.
According to Maya Fryszer, CEO of OpteamX, there is a significant growth in machine vision applications in Israel and OpteamX is excited to offer MVTec's software tools to their distinguished line of diverse clientele. "We will now be able to offer not only excellent machine vision components but a complete package of machine vision solutions that includes MVTec's software tools," she adds.
"Israel is an outstanding industrial market in the Near East," says Olaf Munkelt, MVTec's managing director. "Thus, MVTec expands its sales activities also in this important country. We are sure that OpteamX will meet our requirements in a distinguished way."
The OpteamX distribution and support team will be trained by MVTec to become a member of the MVTec Certified Training Partner Program. Thus, not only the qualified distribution and first level support for all MVTec software products is guaranteed by OpteamX, but also the qualification to hold HALCON trainings for customers.
SOURCE: MVTec Software
Posted by Vision Systems Design