VDC forecasts market for merchant DSP boards to be US$760 million by 2008

Feb. 18, 2004
FEBRUARY 18--Venture Development Corporation (VDC; Natick, MA; www.vdc-corp.com/) forecasts the total market opportunity for merchant DSP boards will be US$760 million in 2008.

FEBRUARY 18--Venture Development Corporation (VDC; Natick, MA; www.vdc-corp.com/), a technology market research and consulting firm that specializes in industrial and commercial electronics, computing, communications, software, and power systems markets, forecasts the total market opportunity for merchant DSP boards will be US$760 million in 2008, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2002 and 2008 of 5.7%.

Although, generally speaking, digital-signal processing is growing at an extremely high rate, this has not translated into the embedded merchant board space. Projected growth rates, although respectable, are expected to remain in the mid-single digits for the foreseeable future.

The real growth lies in deeply embedded applications, with boards that are customer and end-product specific. While these provide opportunities for silicon vendors and contract manufacturing houses, products using these boards are not designed to accept merchant boards.

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