Sony has introduced the FCB-EV9520L block camera with the company’s 2 MPixel STARVIS 2 image sensor, a backlit pixel technology. The 1/2.8” camera features imaging in the visible and NIR spectrums as well as image stabilization technology. Because it shares a form factor with the FCB-EV7520 series (50 x 60 x 89.7 mm), Sony plans to provide customers with a drop-in replacement for the earlier model, easing integration. Sony plans a full commercial release of the camera in early 2023. Distribution partners include Jencam GmbH, Twiga, and MaxxVision GmbH. Sony says the camera is suitable for high-end surveillance systems, off-line industrial inspection, medical imaging, autonomous vehicles, and remote control of drones/AGVs, and shipborne systems.
To Learn More:
Contact: Sony Image Sensing Solutions
Headquarters: Weybridge, Surrey, UK
Product: FCB-EV9520L
Key Features: STARVIS 2 sensor, NIR spectrum imaging capabilities, image stabilization
What Sony Image Sensing Solutions says:
View more information on FCB-EV9520L.
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