New Imaging Technologies Launches Two New SWIR Cameras
New Imaging Technologies has launched two new additions to its SWIR camera lineup, SenS 1280 CxP and SenS 1280 SDI. Both cameras are equipped with the InGaAs NIT NSC1901 SWIR sensor, as well as NIT’s latest embedded video processing unit, capable of onboard image processing at full frame rate. Both cameras have 1280 x 1024 resolution, with a pixel pitch of 10 μm. Both cameras have spectral response of .9 to 1.7 μm, and linear (CTIA) low and high gain dual response, and 60 Hz frame rate.
The SenS 1280 SDI is equipped with an SDI video output and is compatible with most video platforms used in ground, naval, and aircraft applications.
Designed for industrial machine vision applications such as inspection processes, SenS 1280 CxP has HD resolution, CoaXPress output, and is GenICam compliant.
To Learn More:
Contact: New Imaging Technologies
Headquarters: Verrières le Buisson, France
Product: SenS 1280 CxP, SenS 1280 SDI cameras
Key Features: 1280 x 1024 resolution, 10 μm pixel pitch, NSC1901 SWIR sensor
What New Imaging Technologies says: View more information on SenS 1280 CxP, SenS 1280 SDI cameras
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