Cameras and Accessories

Color space conversion

Although relatively unknown, Perigee LLC (Liverpool, NY) is an engineering company specializing in electronic- and software-system design, partitioning, and development. Unfortunately, the company`s Web site lacks detail about any product that it has developed. To find that information, go to, where you`ll be able to download a datasheet on Perigee`s YcrCb-to-digital RGB converter--a product that is available free of charge.
April 1, 1999

Color space conversion

Although relatively unknown, Perigee LLC (Liverpool, NY) is an engineering company specializing in electronic- and software-system design, partitioning, and development. Unfortunately, the company`s Web site lacks detail about any product that it has developed. To find that information, go to, where you`ll be able to download a datasheet on Perigee`s YcrCb-to-digital RGB converter--a product that is available free of charge.

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