Progressive-scan camera offers high digital resolution For 10-bit digital imaging, the TM-1300 CCD

Dec. 1, 1997
Progressive-scan camera offers high digital resolution For 10-bit digital imaging, the TM-1300 CCD camera is a 1300 ¥ 1030, 2/3-in. format, interline-type progressive-scan type that can asynchronously capture moving object images. It scans at a 12-frames/s rate and contains a converter that delivers a real-time 45-frames/s signal for SXGA display. Other features include an 8-bit internal frame store for capturing and holding randomly triggered images for playout to storage media or an image-

Progressive-scan camera offers high digital resolution For 10-bit digital imaging, the TM-1300 CCD camera is a 1300 ¥ 1030, 2/3-in. format, interline-type progressive-scan type that can asynchronously capture moving object images. It scans at a 12-frames/s rate and contains a converter that delivers a real-time 45-frames/s signal for SXGA display. Other features include an 8-bit internal frame store for capturing and holding randomly triggered images for playout to storage media or an image-processing system, and an RS-232C port for the remote control of camera functions. PULNIX America Inc., 1330 Orleans Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089, (408) 747-0300; Fax: (408) 747-0660.

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