High-performance, high-speed image-acquisition board supports Camera Link cameras

Nov. 4, 2002
NOVEMBER 4--Data Translation Inc. (Marlboro, MA; www.datatranslation.com) is now offering the DT3145 Camera Link PCI frame grabber--a high-performance, high-speed digital image-acquisition board, based on the Camera Link standard.

NOVEMBER 4--Data Translation Inc. (Marlboro, MA; www.datatranslation.com) is now offering the DT3145 Camera Link PCI frame grabber--a high-performance, high-speed digital image-acquisition board, based on the Camera Link standard. Its high-performance image-capture capability combined with simple cable interfacing makes it an ideal solution for high-resolution scientific imaging, general-purpose image processing, and machine-vision applications. Data Translation will demonstrate the DT3145 frame grabber in booth #517 at the Vision Show West exhibition and conference in Santa Clara, CA. Because Camera Link is a universal interface, users can interchange different Camera Link digital cameras using the same standard Camera Link cable with the DT3145 frame grabber.

The DT3145 frame grabber supports a single camera Base configuration and includes area-scan and linescan capability; 4K x 4K spatial resolution--up to 16K for linescan--for high-resolution imaging; and user-programmable camera controls and general-purpose output signals.

The DT3145 frame grabber is compatible with DT Vision Foundry, Data Translation's powerful machine-vision application software package, enabling both programmers and nonprogrammers to quickly implement custom machine-vision solutions. The DT3145 also can be used with Data Translation's GLOBAL LAB Image/2 for scientific imaging. GLOBAL LAB Image/2 is a complete, customizable software package for scientific and general-purpose imaging applications requiring measuring, classification, counting, and other measurements.

The DT3145 Camera Link PCI frame grabber is priced at $995 and is available for immediate order. Standard Camera Link cables are available. The board requires a Pentium III class processor, a 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus and supporting BIOS, one available PCI bus slot, Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP, a minimum of 256-Mbyte system RAM, CD-ROM drive for software installation, and a graphics controller with DirectX driver.

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