Coreco Imaging announces high-performance, 64-bit Camera Link frame grabbers
MAY 23--Coreco Imaging (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), a developer of high-performance machine-vision products, has released the X64-CL Series high-performance Camera Link digital frame grabbers designed for the 64-bit PCI bus. With their ability to acquire images from two unsynchronized cameras simultaneously and to transfer images at a rate of up to 528 Mbytes/s, the X64-CL Series are reportedly the industry's fastest and most-flexible 64-bit frame grabbers.
The ACU-Plus is a state-of-the art acquisition control unit that allows the X64-CL Series to deliver one of the most flexible acquisition front ends in the industry. Consisting of two sets of independent grab controllers, pixel packers, and timing generators, the ACU-Plus can acquire images from two independent base Camera Link cameras simultaneously, or from one Medium or Full Camera Link camera. The ACU-Plus can acquire up to 256 Kbytes/horizontal line and up to 16 million lines per frame. Capable of supporting pixel clock rates of up to 66 MHz (85 MHz optional), the X64-CL Series provides rapid, reliable image acquisition.
The X64-CL Series also features an intelligent data-transfer engine (DTE) that transmits images between the board and the host without using the CPU, ensuring the fastest possible image data transfer rate. The DTE consists of multiple independent DMA units, tap descriptor tables, and autoloading scatter-gather tables, providing a high degree of data integrity during continuous image acquisition in nonreal-time operating systems such as Windows NT/2K or Windows XP. And, when acquiring images from two independent cameras simultaneously, the DTE ensures that the acquired frames are sent to the correct destination buffers in the appropriate pixel formats, allowing vision applications to perform core image processing tasks more efficiently.
The X64-CL Series supports all standard Camera Link configurations from eight to 64-bit pixels and up to eight taps of 8 bits. The X64-CL Series' can support two cameras with different tap configurations simultaneously.
The single-slot X64-CL Series is a PCI 2.1, 64/32-bit, 66/33 MHz, 5V/3.3V slot compatible frame grabber. Fully compliant with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, the X64-CL Series fully supports Coreco Imaging's Sapera programming package and application development using C/C++ DLLs and ActiveX controls with Microsoft Visual Studio or Visual Basic version 6.0 or higher.
The X64-CL Series is comprised of two family members: the X64-CL Dual, which supports two Base or one Medium Camera Link camera, and the X64-CL Full, which supports one Full Camera Link camera.
The X64-CL Series 64-bit frame grabber is scheduled to enter full production in the fall of 2002. Prototype units are available now through the X64-CL Early Access Program. More details on the Early Access Program are available from