Patent granted for telecentric lens

Dec. 11, 2001
DECE MBER 11--US patent #6,324,016 has been granted to Light Works (Toledo, OH; for its telecentric lens design.

DECE MBER 11--US patent #6,324,016 has been granted to Light Works (Toledo, OH; for its telecentric lens design. The design is the basis for the company�s wide-eye very-large-aperture telecentric lens, as well as other custom designs. Nearly achromatic performance, low distortion, and long working distances are possible with the wide-eye lens. In addition, there is a cost savings.

Other lens designs include the adjustable field-splitter super-eye telecentric lens and custom solutions such as the TLC-403 telecentric lens designed for use with linear array cameras in the PCB and PWA inspection industries.

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