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Zombie attack at Edmund Optics

All but a handful of the staff at Edmund Optics (EO; Barrington, NJ, USA) have been turned into zombies, and those that have not must fight their way out of the company's headquarters to survive.
Dec. 19, 2012
2 min read

It might have been due to airborne bacteria. Then again, it might have been due to badly cooked food in the staff restaurant. But what ever caused it, the outcome is clear. All but a handful of the staff at Edmund Optics (EO; Barrington, NJ, USA) have been turned into zombies, and those that have not must fight their way out of the Edmund Optics headquarters to survive.

Is this the end of technological man? Is this the conclusion of all our yesterdays, the boasts of science, the superhuman conquests of space and time, the age of the wheel? No, it’s just the annual Christmas video from the Edmund Optics team who once again prove that a little sense of humor at this time of year doesn’t go amiss.

In the production, certain members of staff at the company are first captured in a brainstorming session in which they are asked to come up with a more compelling Christmas video than the ones they produced in previous years. During that session, it becomes clear that some of them have been afflicted by something terrible, an illness that turns them into zombies who proceed to attack their co-workers.

During protracted bloody battles and scenes of violence, three of the members of staff armed with a low-tech baseball bat and a somewhat more high-tech light saber and crossbow built from items from Edmund Optics' own product line attempt to eliminate the zombie hordes and fight their way out of the building.

As they do so, the brave individuals encounter a horrifying Zombie Santa who claims the life of the light-saber wielding employee only to fall to the ground himself as the saber finally penetrates his portly, white-bearded form. Thankfully, the other two members of staff finally make it to the exit of the building, running as quickly as possible from the infestation that has claimed the lives of their colleagues.

Friends, isn't that what the holidays are all about, concludes the narrator of the film? To make your mind up, why not check out the Edmund Optics video here.

Dave Wilson, Senior Editor, Vision Systems Design

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