JANUARY 12, 2009--Two new image-preprocessing libraries are available for VisualApplets. The first covers a blob analysis for area-scan cameras (2-D blob) and linescan cameras (1-D blob). The analysis is processed on binarized images and supports a bandwidth of Full configuration cameras. Up to 1024 objects per two lines can be detected, which corresponds to 500,000 objects on a megapixel sensor. The 1D blob for linescan cameras operates in endless mode. In VisualApplets, blob functionality can be combined with other preprocessing operators. The second library covers a JPEG encoder for grayscale images. It supports bandwidth up to 166 Mbytes/s with configurable quality settings.
Silicon Software
Mannheim, Germany
For related information, visit the Machine Vision Software topic center.
VISION 2008 / September 2008
Library extensions for VisualAppletsSILICONSOFTWARE announces the availability of two new image preprocessing libraries for VisualApplets.The first one covers a blob analysis for area scan cameras (2D blob) and line scan cameras (1D blob). The analysis is processed on binarised images and supports with its high parallelism even a bandwidth of FULL Configuration cameras.The objects are not limited in size, shape or overlapping position (1D). Up to 1024 objects per two lines can be detected, which corresponds to a number of 500.000 objects on a mega pixel sensor.The 1D blob for line scan cameras operates in endless mode; even an image height is defined. Image overlapping objects are combined and uniquely defined by their properties.The blob library features the output of number of objects, the according area, contour length and centers of gravity in x- and y-directions. A bounding box can be placed around the objects to extract the relevant ROI (regions on interest) for an adjacent image processing. In VisualApplets environment, the blob functionality can be combined with other preprocessing operators.The second library covers a JPEG encoder for grayscale images. It supports bandwidth of up to 166 MB/s with configurable quality settings.