Obzerv wins defense contract

March 8, 2007
MARCH 8--Obzerv Technologies (Quebec, Canada; www.obzerv.com) has been awarded a C$650k CAD contract to develop and integrate an active-range-gated camera payload into an L-3 Wescam MX-20 multispectral imaging turret.

MARCH 8--Obzerv Technologies (Quebec, Canada; www.obzerv.com) has been awarded a C$650k CAD contract to develop and integrate an active-range-gated camera payload into an L-3 Wescam MX-20 multispectral imaging turret. This contract is part of the Advanced Integrated Multi-Sensing Surveillance Technology Demonstration Project that covers improvement of tactical surveillance and SAR sensing capabilities for the Canadian Forces. The targeted platforms are Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue CP-140 aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Obzerv active range-gated cameras have recently been deployed at locations for coastal surveillance and are producing detailed identification of ships at ranges beyond 10 km and through airborne obscurity such as mist and fog. Last fall, three ARGC-2400 cameras (formerly the ARGC-2400) were integrated to existing radar stations within a National Security surveillance project in Southeast Asia. While the radar is dedicated to the detection and location of unusual activity and threats, the ARGC-2400 cameras classify and identify these targets. Now that Obzerv active-imaging cameras have proven effective for land-based applications, the company will provide its customers with this capability from airborne stabilized platforms for search and rescue and defense applications.

Compared to thermal cameras, which are based on the temperature contrast of objects, Obzerv cameras collect the reflection of the laser pulse from targets, which allows any registration marks to be read and low-contrast scenes to be clearly assessed. Operating day and night, the active imaging system is effective during overcast nights and in degraded weather conditions frequently encountered under Coast Guard, antiterrorism, and search-and-rescue missions.

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