DALSA announces operational changes to its digital imaging business

March 3, 2004
MARCH 3--DALSA Corporation (Waterloo, ON, Canada; www.dalsa.com) has announced two organizational changes in its growing digital-imaging business.

MARCH 3--DALSA Corporation (Waterloo, ON, Canada; www.dalsa.com), a high-performance semiconductor and electronics company, has announced two organizational changes in its growing digital-imaging business. The changes will further position it for continued growth.

Beginning immediately, the company's digital-imaging application-specific contracts (ASC) account management and engineering management activities, which were previously the responsibility of the individual operating sites, will now be unified under a single ASC group led in Waterloo by Gareth Ingram in his new position as vice president and general manager of application-specific contracts, digital imaging. Ingram will report to Jim Roberts, who has been promoted to executive vice president of DALSA Corporation. The change broadens the mandate of the ASC group to reach across all of the company's digital imaging operating sites and leverages the considerable technical capabilities in the company.

In another change to the imaging business, the company is relocating its Tucson, AZ, operations to Colorado Springs, CO. The move will create a larger, single USA-based operating location, with more efficient operational and management infrastructure. DALSA expects that the consolidation of facilities and rationalized management structure will allow the company to better serve the needs of its customers in the life sciences imaging marketplace, as well as access new opportunities.

The relocation, which will be completed in five months, will combine all North American imaging operations, Waterloo and Colorado Springs, under one management team led by Jim Roberts. Streamlined management and operating locations will not only reduce total overhead but will also provide a greater depth of research-and-development resources for application to key products for life-science markets. Selected staff from the Tucson operation will be transferred to Colorado Springs, where the company will procure a larger facility for its expanded Colorado Springs operations. Key products manufactured for the life-sciences markets DALSA serves will continue to be produced and supported within the new location. Hugh Garvey, vice president and currently general manager of life sciences, will be taking on new responsibilities as vice president, business development for image sensor products, within digital imaging, reporting to Brian Doody, president, DALSA digital imaging.

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