JAI’s Sweep Series SW-4000TL-PMCL is a 4K trilinear (4096 x 3 CMOS image sensor) line scancamerathat features a 7.5 µm pixel size, up to 66 kHz line rate, horizontal and vertical binning, and RGB output with built-in color space conversion for HSI, CIE XYZ, and others. It also has a Camera Link interface and an intelligent sub-pixel spatial compensation function to account for the three-line spacing on the target and avoid problems with halos or color fringes in the image, according to JAI. Additionally, the camera features direct encoder connection, M42 or F-Mount, and is GenICam compliant.
To Learn More:
Contact: JAI
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA
Product: SW-4000TL-PMCL 4K trilinear
Key Features: 4096 x 3 CMOS image sensor, 66 kHz line rate, intelligent sub-pixel spatial compensation function.
What JAI says:
View more information on the SW-4000TL-PMCL.
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