ImageIR infraredcameras from InfraTec are now available with two speed modes: standard and high speed. In standard mode, the normal frame rates for full frame, half frame, and sub-frame are available with full spatial resolution. In high-speed mode, images can be taken with the identical field of view, while the frame rates increase to more than three times the normal speed. High-speed mode is made possible through the use of binning.
The new high-speed option switch can be made through InfraTec software, which enables users to analyze identical measurement scenarios under various conditions, according to the company. For example, with the ImageIR 9400 infrared camera, 1280 x 1024 infrared pixels can be captured at 180 fps, but with binning, the camera captures 640 x 512 infrared pixels in the same field of view at 625 fps.
To Learn More:
Contact: InfraTec
Headquarters: Dresden, Germany
Product: ImageIR infrared cameras
Key Features: New binning feature for higher speeds.
What InfraTec says:
View more information on ImageIR cameras.
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