Laboratory Rats Mice And Rodent Video Capture For Biomedical Research Norpix 705x471 64c961e620324

Laboratory rats, mice and rodent video capture for biomedical research

June 29, 2021
  •  Multiple camera setup.
  •  Compatible with GigE Vision, USB3, 10 and 25 GigE, Camera Link and CoaXPress cameras.
  •  Supports cameras and frame grabbers from over 200 different OEM’s using native API’s.
  •  Synchronize camera exposure over multiple cameras and over multiple computers.

Capture and synchronize video with DAQ sensor data such as:

  •  ECG
  •  EEG
  •  Temperature
  •  And more!

Supports cameras with IR and Near-IR Light Sensors

  •  Capture in Pre-Post using triggering to save disk space.


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