Buyer's Guide

GVDU Mission Displays

April 5, 2019
2 min read
Curtiss-Wright has decades of industry-leading experience developing reliable, rugged, mission displays for extreme environments and applications. To complement its AVDU (Advanced Video Display Unit) and its SVDU (Single Video Display Unit) ranges, the GVDU range is developed with ground vehicle requirements, and specifically the Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) standard, in mind. The GVDU range of displays combine military rugged design, in a size, weight and power (SWaP) optimized display with market-leading performance and a rich, flexible set of features including GVA programmable bezel buttons and video over Ethernet capability based on the MODUK DEF-STAN 00-82.The GVDU range will be available in 10.4”, 12.1” and 15.6”. Larger sizes (17” and 21.5” for example) may be available upon request. All displays are fully qualified to established military environmental standards and can be connected to a wide variety of video sources.GVDU displays offer a unique combination of new technology, including optically-bonded glass for perfect anytime readability, as well as full touchscreen operation based on a unique projected capacitive touchscreen that offers multi-touch as well as gloved and wet operation.An internal embedded processor enables the displays to provide an enhanced set of interfaces including Ethernet, USB, RS-232/RS-422 and GPIO. The internal processor provides DEF-STAN 00-82 video over Ethernet capability, graphics input to the displays, and receives all touchscreen and bezel button operations. The processor may be used to implement a map display, function as a mission computer, or decompress and display network video, amongst many other possibilities.The standard environmental specification is presented in the table below. With decades of experience providing sophisticated computing systems to defense land vehicles, Curtiss-Wright knows that special environmental requirements are the norm; assessing and qualifying special requests can be accommodated.