AI Vision Solution Kit from Basler optimizes embedded vision systems

Feb. 11, 2020
An included camera and processing board make the kit an all-in-one prototyping tool.

Basler, in cooperation with Amazon Web Services, has developed the AI Vision Solution Kit, that features cloud connection and a processing board built for AI acceleration. Users can download onto embedded systems and edge devices pre-trained neural networks from the cloud. This allows machine vision system designers to test applications with little required programming and to generate metadata that can be sent to the cloud for database storage.

The optimized software environment developed by Basler includes Basler Container Management, a new software module for edge devices that includes a direction connection to the cloud, and the Basler Cloud Server that provides modules from the cloud.

A 13 MPIxel Basler dart BCON for MIPI camera, with a processing board based on the AI-optimized Hummingboard Ripple from SolidRun that houses an NXP i.MX 8M Mini System-on-Chip (SoC) and AI accelerator, is included in the kit.


To Learn More:

Contact: Basler
Headquarters: Ahrensburg, Germany
Product: AI Solution Kit
Key Features: Cloud connection, AI-optimized processing board, 13 MPIxel Basler dart BCON for MIPI camera

What Basler says: View more information on the AI Solution Kit.

Share your vision-related news by contacting Dennis Scimeca, Associate Editor, Vision Systems Design



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