On-line system inspects PCBs On-line inspection of printed-circuit boards (PCBs) is performed by the WapMaster, a machine-vision system based on the company`s 4DI three-dimensional imager system. The system captures a scene of 50,000 coordinates in 1/10,000 s, provides measurement accuracy better than 1/1000 of the field of view, and inspects a range of PCBs from 4 ¥ 4 to 18 ¥ 18 in. The system operator can change the inspection field of view by selecting from a pregenerated database of templates. Boards can be inspected at a rate of 30 per minute. Intelligent Automation Systems, 149 Sidney St., Cambridge, MA 02139; (617) 354-3830; Fax: (617) 547-9727.