Motion controller runs on USB bus The DMC-2000 series of motion controllers serves the Universal

Oct. 1, 1998
Motion controller runs on USB bus The DMC-2000 series of motion controllers serves the Universal Serial Bus (USB) with 1- through 8-axis formats that direct both step and servo motors on any combination of axes. These controllers provide communications options such as USB, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 up to 115 kbaud. Nonvolatile memory for application programs, variables, and arrays permit operation without a host computer. Multitasking allows simultaneous execution of up to eight application p

Motion controller runs on USB bus The DMC-2000 series of motion controllers serves the Universal Serial Bus (USB) with 1- through 8-axis formats that direct both step and servo motors on any combination of axes. These controllers provide communications options such as USB, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 up to 115 kbaud. Nonvolatile memory for application programs, variables, and arrays permit operation without a host computer. Multitasking allows simultaneous execution of up to eight application programs. Other features include sinusoidal commutation for brushless motors, two encoder inputs for each axis, 96 configurable input/outputs, and forward and reverse limits and home inputs for each axis. Galil Motion Control, 203 Ravendale Dr., Mountain View, CA 94043; (800) 377-6329; Fax: (650) 967-1751

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