ISRA Vision reports continued growth

Dec. 15, 2006
DECEMBER 15--ISRA Vision (Darmstadt, Germany) has continued its profit trend of the previous years in FY2005/2006, ended September 30, 2006.

DECEMBER 15--ISRA Vision (Darmstadt, Germany) has continued its profit trend of the previous years in FY2005/2006, ended September 30, 2006. Group pretax profits (EBT) rose by 20%, and the EBT margin on sales continued to improve, climbing to 21%. Sales increased by 7% and total operating revenue by 8%. This makes ISRA one of the few companies quoted on the German Stock Exchange that have increased turnover and profits for the ninth consecutive year.

For FY2006/2007 beginning October 1, 2006, ISRA management is forecasting double-digit growth in turnover and profits. ISRA VISION is announcing the group's preliminary IFRS figures (audited and released, but preconfirmation) for FY 2005/2006 (October 1 to September 30). As forecast, ISRA increased its turnover by 7% to 47.7 million euros. The total operating revenue advanced by 8% to 53.5 million euros. Gross profit rose by 10% to 31.4 million euros.

The surface vision segment, with its strong margins, grew 9% in FY2005/2006 to reach 39.0 million euros and continued to extend its market position. The EBIT for the division climbed 16% to 7.3 million euros. The industrial automation division displayed renewed growth following consolidation in FY2004/2005. The division's total operating revenue climbed 4% to 14.5 million euros.

In related news, the ISRA surface vision division (Duluth, GA, USA; moved to a new, larger facility. Business has grown more than 30% this past fiscal year. The division concentrates on plastics, nonwovens, paper, print, metals, glass, and the can-inspection markets. Enis Ersu, chairman of ISRA VISION, says, "I look forward to continued growth and success in surface inspection overall-- particularly in the Americas."

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