3-D vision system measures lettuce growth

Nov. 1, 2012
Researchers from the Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering at the National Taiwan University (Taiwan, ROC) have developed a machine vision system for monitoring the growth of Boston lettuce.

Researchers from the Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering at the National Taiwan University (Taiwan, ROC) have developed a machine vision system for monitoring the growth of Boston lettuce.

Traditionally such measurements have been performed manually, but although manual techniques are simple and reliable, they are also time consuming and laborious. In contrast, vision-based methods are non-destructive and highly efficient.

To automate the measurement procedure, the researchers employed a stereo vision system which was composed of two off-the-shelf cameras with parallel optical axes. Images were continuously recorded by the system and from them panoramic images were constructed.

A GrabCut algorithm from the OpenCV library was used to cut the plant area out from the background and find the center of the image. Then, both 2-D and 3-D plant features -- including plant volume, plant height, width, length and diameter -- were extracted from the panoramic images.

The researchers believe that such a system could be used to provide useful information in many areas of horticultural research as well as in plant production processes. More information describing the system they developed can be found here.

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-- Dave Wilson, Senior Editor, Vision Systems Design

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