Machine vision speeds potato processing

Aug. 27, 2009
AUGUST 27, 2009--Manta system from Key Technology can automate end-of-line inspection of processed potatoes. It features visible/IR cameras, laser technology, high-intensity LED lighting, high-flow ejector valves, and three-way ejection capability.

AUGUST 27, 2009--Historically, potato processors have relied on automated sorters to remove foreign material and defects from wet product after the cutter, upstream of the fryer and freezer. While these sorters are highly effective in helping to make grade, they leave a processor vulnerable to quality problems that may arise downstream.

Potato processors have relied on costly, inconsistent, and unsanitary hand sorting to inspect frozen product at the end of the production line. Now, with the Manta system from Key Technology (Walla Walla, WA, USA; for frozen potato strips, processors can automate this end-of-line inspection. Featuring visible/IR cameras, laser technology, high-intensity LED lighting, high-flow ejector valves, and three-way ejection capability, the company's large capacity sorter ensures final product is free of foreign material and objectionable process-generated material.

With the system, potato processors can now automate inspection of frozen product at the end of the production line to improve food safety and product quality while reducing labor costs. For more information, go to:

-- Posted by Conard Holton, Vision Systems Design,

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