PC shipments expected to grow 4.7% this year

June 14, 2002
JUNE 14-Technology-research-firm IDC Corp. (www.idc.com) has raised its forecast for 2002 global personal-computer sales, predicting corporations would buy more than previously expected and shipments would rise 4.7%.

JUNE 14-Technology-research-firm IDC Corp. (www.idc.com) has raised its forecast for 2002 global personal-computer sales, predicting corporations would buy more than previously expected and shipments would rise 4.7%. Sales dropped 4.1% last year, and the technology world has been waiting for businesses to wholeheartedly begin replacing PCs bought in 1999.

The last cycle of buying was made ahead of the year 2000, on fears a millennium
"Y2K" bug would hurt older systems. But corporations shocked by the slow economy largely have delayed PC replacements since then, frustrating forecasters a number of times.

"Slightly better-than-expected growth in the first quarter and signs of commercial market purchasing have led IDC to raise its worldwide PC-shipment forecast for 2002 from 3% to 4.7% growth," the company said. It saw 140 million PCs shipped worldwide and US sales up 5.5%, led by 7.6% consumer growth. Asian growth would lead the world, with Europe lagging the United States and Japan shipments declining.

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