EUROPEAN NEWS: GOEPEL electronic thrives and builds second plant

April 29, 2002
APRIL 29--On April 26 CEO Holger Goepel held the ground-breaking ceremony for the new building of GOEPEL electronic GmbH, which will be built near its current headquarters in Jena/Germany.

APRIL 29--On April 26 CEO Holger Goepel held the ground-breaking ceremony for the new building of GOEPEL electronic GmbH, which will be built near its current headquarters in Jena/Germany. Thus, the supplier of electronic and optic measurement and inspection systems increases its capacity to meet the rising requirements for its products. Goepel said: "We build on the combination of Jena's classical tradition--precision technology and optics--paired with highly innovative information technology and electronics." GOEPEL electronic expects "increasing growth rates. With that new building we want be prepared for the starting international increase in prosperity."

Since 1994, when the building of the first factory began, GOEPEL electronic's team has tripled from 25 to about 80 employees. The company's annual turnover quadrupled from DM 4.8 million to DM 20 million (10 million EURO) in that time.

In July 2001, two additional regional service offices in Germany were also opened to optimize customer support in the West and South of Germany. Furthermore, the company has been running a second application office in the USA since April 2 this year.

GOEPEL electronic is a vendor of intelligent boundary scan solutions, automated optical-inspection equipment, and automotive test systems. To ensure worldwide customer support, an international distribution and service network was erected in the last few years, in which more than 250 specialists are involved.

More information about GOEPEL electronic and its products can be found at

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