VSI forecasts growth in North American machine-vision market

Sept. 18, 2006
SEPTEMBER 18--According to the most recent Quarterly Machine-Vision Report/Newsletter from machine-vision consultancy Vision Systems International (VSI; Yardley, PA, USA; www.vision1.com/vsi), the North American machine-vision market is forecast to grow 10%--12% in 2006, reaching a total value of $1.46B--$1.48B.

SEPTEMBER 18--According to the most recent Quarterly Machine-Vision Report/Newsletter from machine-vision consultancy Vision Systems International (VSI; Yardley, PA, USA; www.vision1.com/vsi), the North American machine-vision market is forecast to grow 10%--12% in 2006, reaching a total value of $1.46B--$1.48B. Unlike the North American robot market, which has declined this year, the North American machine-vision market is piggybacking on the growth in capital spending, especially in the semiconductor industry this year, as well as somewhat on growth in capital spending in the electronicS industry. These two industries have traditionally accounted for the largest percentage of the machine-vision market.

According to Nello Zuech, President of VSI, the second quarter was even better than the first quarter, as the overall machine-vision revenues of the companies VSI tracks increased 21.5% from the second quarter of 2005 and 11.6% over first quarter 2006 revenues. The machine-vision revenues of the North American companies from sales into the worldwide machine-vision market increased 17.3% over the second quarter of 2005 and 13% over the first quarter of 2006. The sales of the companies tracked into the North American machine-vision market increased 18% over the same quarter of 2005 and 12% over the first quarter of 2006. The results combined with the first quarter suggest, in the first half, the North American machine-vision market increased 12% and the sales of North American companies selling machine-vision into the worldwide market increased 11%.

While the momentum going into the third quarter is positive, there are some economic indications that suggest the US economy will be slowing as we get further into the year. Nevertheless, given the momentum, it is likely to be a good year in the North American market. Similarly, North American machine-vision companies should see significant sales gains as the worldwide economy for machine vision looks very good, especially in Europe and Asia Pacific countries.

Vision Systems International is an independent business consultancy concentrating on the machine-vision market.

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