Magneto-optical storage

May 1, 1999
The site of Western Scientific (San Diego, CA) lists information on the company`s magneto-optical storage systems. Running under operating systems that include Digital UNIX, Microsoft Windows NT, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, and Sun Microsystems SunOS, the jukebox systems can store up to 618.8 Gbyte of data. In addition to these product descriptions, the company`s site gives descriptions of new products, a product catalog, and ordering information.

Magneto-optical storage

The site of Western Scientific (San Diego, CA) lists information on the company`s magneto-optical storage systems. Running under operating systems that include Digital UNIX, Microsoft Windows NT, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, and Sun Microsystems SunOS, the jukebox systems can store up to 618.8 Gbyte of data. In addition to these product descriptions, the company`s site gives descriptions of new products, a product catalog, and ordering information.

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