
Slide scanner handles 70-mm images With a resolution of 5000 ( 7000 pixels, the Primascan slide

Slide scanner handles 70-mm images With a resolution of 5000 ( 7000 pixels, the Primascan slide scanner is capable of digitizing both 35- and 70-mm slides. A full-resolution scan can be performed in 10 seconds to provide 2310-dpi resolution on a 70-mm slide. The slide scanner can perform both 8-bit grey-scale and bilevel scanning. It can be controlled over a SCSI-2 interface with host software that runs under Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, and Windows-NT. Primagraphics, New Cambridge House, Litlington
June 1, 1997

Slide scanner handles 70-mm images With a resolution of 5000 ( 7000 pixels, the Primascan slide scanner is capable of digitizing both 35- and 70-mm slides. A full-resolution scan can be performed in 10 seconds to provide 2310-dpi resolution on a 70-mm slide. The slide scanner can perform both 8-bit grey-scale and bilevel scanning. It can be controlled over a SCSI-2 interface with host software that runs under Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, and Windows-NT. Primagraphics, New Cambridge House, Litlington, Nr. Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 OSS, England; 44 1 763 852222; Fax: 44 1 763 853324.

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