Small board computer packs power Using the Intel 430TX chipset and Pentium processors to 266 MHz,
Small board computer packs power Using the Intel 430TX chipset and Pentium processors to 266 MHz, the Little Monster IX industrial computer includes all the capabilities of a desktop/laptop PC on a single 4 ¥ 6 ¥ 1.2-in. board. Other on-board functions include two USB ports, a flat-panel VGA controller, a PCI Ultra-IDE controller for 4 drives, a floppy-disk controller for 2.8-Mbyte LS-120 drives, two serial and one parallel ports, and an IrDA connector for wireless infrared connections. Memory capabilities encompass 512 Kbytes of pipeline burst L2 cache, 32 Mbytes of SDRAM memory expandable to 128 Mbytes, and a CompactFlash memory socket. The board supports Windows CE/98/NT and costs $895 in OEM quantities. Zykronix Inc., 375 Inverness Dr. South, Suite C, Englewood, CO 80122; (303) 799-4944; Fax: (303) 799-4978.