A/D board accepts low-level currents
A/D board accepts low-level currents
The DDC112 dual-input, charge-digitizing analog-to-digital converter offers 20-bit resolution for low-level input currents for CT scanner, infrared heat detector, liquid or gas chromatography, or blood-analysis applications. External 250-pF integrating capacitors allow a user-programmable full-scale range to 1000 pC. Other features include a 28-lead SOIC package, a single 5-V supply, and an integral linearity error of ۪.005% reading ۪.5 ppm FSR. Burr-Brown Corp., 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706; (520) 746-1111; Fax: (520) 746-7401.