August Technology awarded patent

Nov. 14, 2005
NOVEMBER 14--August Technology (Bloomington, MN; has been granted US Pat. No. 6,947,588 for a method that detects defects on the circumferential edge of a semiconductor wafer.

NOVEMBER 14--August Technology (Bloomington, MN; has been granted US Patent No. 6,947,588 for a method that detects defects on the circumferential edge of a semiconductor wafer. The patented method includes the technology required to acquire images along the wafer circumference and incorporates a novel approach that dynamically adjusts to the edge surface condition by dividing the image into slices while extracting information on a variety of killer defects.

Since this image-based method uses real-time image capture of the defect, it can also preserve the defect size, location, color information and surface morphology of the defect for later review¿-a critical step toward identifying the source of the defects and removing that source from the semiconductor manufacturing process. August Technology was the first to offer automated edge inspection of bevels using an optical image technique, providing new information to its customers about where defects originate, and new opportunities for yield enhancement.

August Technology has incorporated frontside, backside, and wafer edge inspection in a single system. Following detection, August Technology's decision tools correlate the defect data across surfaces and provide the comprehensive information necessary for device manufacturers to make process-enhancing decisions.

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