FASTCAM Mini AX, UX, and WX high-speed cameras from Photron now offer 32GB models, which is twice the memory from previous 16GB models. Other memory options still available include 4GB, 8GB, and 16GB. With the new 32GB cameras, FASTCAM Mini high-speed cameras are now suitable for use for such high-frame-rate imaging as onboard and off-board automotive safety testing, biomechanics, material sciences, military/aerospace research, fluid dynamics such as PIV, life sciences, and critical laboratory research. Additionally, the FASTCAM Mini cameras are also designed for high-G, high-shock environments, tested to 100 G, 100 ms, 6 axes. FASTCAM Mini cameras also feature a GigE interface and high light sensitivity.
To Learn More:
Contact:Photron Inc.
Headquarters: San Diego, CA, USA
Product: FASTCAM Mini cameras
Key Features: New 32GB memory on FASTCAM Mini AX, UX, and WX high-speed cameras
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