EDT has announced the launch of the VisionLink XF, which is a Camera Link fiber optic extender for base through 80-bit mode. The extender supports 20 – 85 MHz and transfer real-time image data to a host computer over distances of tens to thousands of meters. VisionLink XF supports triggering / serial via Camera Link or externally via an optional Lemo connector. Additionally, the VisionLink XF achieves data rates of up to 850 MB/s. EDT extenders work in pairs. One unit connects to the camera and the other to a frame grabber via Camera Link cables. A fiber optic cable then connects the two units for a complete extension system.
To Learn More:
Contact: EDT
Headquarters: Beaverton, OR, USA
Product: VisionLink XF
Key Features: Adapts Camera Link base over fiber, supports data rates up to 850 MB/s and pixel clock rates of 20-85 MHz, enables remote operation for distances beyond limits of cables.
What EDT says:
View more information on the VisionLink XF.
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