Sarnoff video-processing technology now available as silicon IP cores for integrated circuits
JANUARY 30--Sarnoff Corp. (Princeton, NJ; ) has made its advanced vision-based video-processing technology available to system-on-chip designers and manufacturers as intellectual-property (IP) cores. The new cores represent a major addition to the company's Silicon Strategies IP suite.
The newly available IP can add a number of real-time video-manipulation capabilities to ICs for digital video products, including video stabilization to subpixel precision, up to 4X digital zoom, motion detection and tracking, image sharpening and multiframe noise reduction, mosaicing to build panoramic images from successive frames, and depth estimation. The cores have low gate counts and draw low power, permitting easy implementation of features to create custom video solutions.
The cores can handle parallel video data paths of 100 Mpixels/s to enable such demanding operations as real-time, perfectly registered fusion of infrared and visible-light images. They can also deliver extended depth of field through focus fusion across multiple frames, as well as extended dynamic range within a video.
The cores are available under nonexclusive licensing agreements. Sarnoff also can assist clients in implementing the IP within a specific architecture, and in transitioning finished designs to a foundry.