Turnkey system for color calibration of large LED video screens and scoreboards is available
JUNE 2--The new PM-LED from Radiant Imaging (Duvall, WA; www.radiantimaging.com) is a turnkey system that enables manufacturers to calibrate LED display panels; these panels are used to construct large video screens deployed at stadiums and arenas, as well as for advertisements. The PM-LED is a CCD-based colorimeter system that can perform highly accurate color and luminance measurements and then automatically correct display control electronics based on these measured values to achieve desired results. This measurement technique offers superior speed, accuracy, and repeatability, as well as reduced sensitivity to alignment, compared to methods using older instruments that utilize a spot colorimeter and x-y translation system.
The PM-LED consists of a Radiant Imaging PM-1400 series CCD camera, control PC and ProMetric 7.0 software for data acquisition, image processing, and instrument control. This is mated with custom software to easily measure each LED and communicate with the control electronics for a manufacturer's LED panels. This combination of high spatial resolution and large dynamic range (14-bit), together with sophisticated image processing algorithms, enables the PM-LED to automatically locate and measure each individual LED on a panel. The PM-LED then calculates and applies the necessary driver corrections required to achieve any predetermined level of chromaticity and luminance uniformity, including those for NTSC specifications or requirements. The PM-LED can be configured to operate without any operator intervention, or set to utilize operator input, depending upon the needs of a manufacturer.