
Sensors Unlimited to develop infrared range-gated imaging system

JULY 28--Sensors Unlimited Inc. (Princeton, NJ; www.sensorsinc.com) received a subcontract from Battelle (Columbus, OH ) for a 12-month, $530,000 program to develop an all-solid-state InGaAs short-wavelength infrared range-gated camera system.
July 28, 2003

JULY 28--Sensors Unlimited Inc. (Princeton, NJ; www.sensorsinc.com), a provider of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) technology, received a subcontract from Battelle (Columbus, OH ) for a 12-month, $530,000 program to develop an all-solid-state InGaAs short-wavelength infrared range-gated camera system. Battelle develops and commercializes technology and manages laboratories for government and commercial customers. The prime contract was issued by the US Army Research Laboratory (Adelphia, MD).

Sensors Unlimited will develop a new focal-plane array and camera featuring range-gates shorter than 200 ns. The camera will be integrated with a compact eye-safe laser that will allow range-gated imaging at distances greater than 2 km.

"An all-solid-state system allows for a lightweight and durable camera that can be manufactured at a cost much lower than current tube-based systems," said Martin H. Ettenberg, director of imaging products, Sensors Unlimited.

The camera will incorporate an InGaAs focal-plane array with 320 x 256 pixels, sensitive to light from 0.9 to 1.7 μm. It will be capable of passive imaging in a staring mode with long integration times and active imaging with illumination provided by a short-pulse laser. Gated imaging allows high-resolution imaging at long distances through fog, rain, and other obscurants.

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