Vision Guide reference is free
APRIL 17--Cognex Corp. (Natick, MA;, a supplier of machine-vision systems, is making available the Cognex VisionGuide, a free comprehensive machine-vision reference and application CD guide. The CD includes application examples, an interactive tutorial on building vision applications, lighting and optics videos, and a utility program that helps you determine the field of view and resolution requirements of vision applications.
Factory-automation professionals responsible for production efficiency and product quality will benefit from the VisionGuide with information that is fundamental in making machine-vision decisions. Structured as an introduction to machine vision for manufacturing and production control engineers and managers, the content illustrates how to build vision applications that can accurately and reliably gauge, guide, identify, and inspect products in order to reduce scrap costs, inventory problems, and achieve a high level of product quality. To request a free CD, please call (877) 264-6391 or visit Cognex